Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All done with Spartacus

Not sure if anyone is still following this blog. BUT - all done with the last, epic, episode of Spartacus. In about 10 months we created around 4200 shots for 10 epsiodes - what a ride it has been! I'm gonna prepare a bit of a larger post to show what I've been up to. Glad to be back - sorry for the year-long break!


Eli said...

came across your blog while researching the VFX of Spartacus. I'd love to hear more in depth about the "behind the scenes" of that show, it has amazing VFX.

Anonymous said...

I admire your work, looking forward to that longer post!

Yasmin said...

Ich schaue immer wieder auf deinen Blog, schön dass es dir gut geht!